VISIT THIS TEAM YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID!! “And what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” ― Lewis Carroll
BUYING COMICS!! Anyone interested in maximizing the value of their assets when buying or selling will be referred to our most trusted and reliable buyer Jason Bessonette at Golden Age Comics Northwest!! Comics4Kids INC accepts donations of collectible comics for our Comics4Kids INC reading library permanent holdings
Additionally, please visit Heritage Comics Auctions (Dallas), as they are both the collector’s dream and the investor’s friend! Click the image for informative video on selling your comics at auction!
Comics4Kids INC appraises and authenticates comic book collections in the United States and Canada. Persons in the Pacific Northwest area enjoy our services, while further travel incurs proprietary contract and rider with World Class rates and Benefits. Armed transport available. We are Happy to answer any questions you might have regarding all things comics! You may make an appointment to bring your comics to us for appraisals; Appraisals are $100.00 per book for pre screens (topical grade with no restoration check) Not insurance or official appraisal, no minimum. House calls available! Our comprehensive insurance appraisal with restoration check and provenance research rates are $500.00 per hour. We are in the Middle Floor Merchants area of the astounding Sanford & Son Antiques! 743 Broadway, Suite # 214, Tacoma WA 98402. If you can’t make it down or have too many comics, we can arrange to come to you no problem! Send us an email at or text your name and grading needs (206) 327 7436 to discuss! Among our Board of Directors are Dale Moore, Heidi Spidey, Jerry Sims, and Damien Moore – all of whom are most trusted Advisors to The Overstreet’s Comic Book Price Guide series, and are all experienced graders, with well over 100 years of combined comic book market experience! Damien and Jerry were literally born into comics under the stellar tutelage of Comic Book Super-Freak Dale. Essential Operations! Additionally, Dale is the former Grading Department Quality Control Expert at Certified Guaranty Company (CGC) , also formerly known as Comics Guaranty LLC (CGC). Experienced in consulting and grading the comics of: White Rose Pedigree (Grandey), Lost Valley Pedigree (Stoltz), Magik Woo, Gary Carter, Mike Kromwall, Al Feldstein, Howard Greber, Bobby Harmon, Russ Cochran, Steve Geppi, Stan Lee, and Nicholas Cage, among many others! Dale is also a vaunted Diamond Dialogue Magazine’s “Star Collector” (January 2004) Since 1993 -with your help- we have given away well over 2,000,000 comics to the kids for free!! We use grading standards and definitions we personally helped re-define (May 1999) for Bob Overstreet in his “Overstreet’s Comic Book Grading Guide” and “Overstreet’s Comic Book Price Guide” We are bonded and insured, with a spotless, professional reputation. We even make house calls so that you don’t have to travel or move your precious gems! Grading Services COMIC BOOK APPRAISALS by OVERSTREET ADVISORS 13 considerations for appraisal
Here are some forms for you to print and use! Click on the title to access free grading sheet and checklist(s)!
Grading Sheet Checklist for collectors logo at bottom Checklist for collectors LOGO At top Checklist-for-collectors-LOGO-At-top ANNUALS or short run version
CNBC on Comic Investing